Saturday, September 27, 2008

New Friend

There are several young children Emmeline's age in our ward but they all live about 15 minutes away. And unfortunately we don't live in a neighborhood with many young children. I haven't really gotten her together to play with anyone on a consistent basis even though she loves to play with other children so much. Well, just recently, a new family moved into the ward and they live about 1 minute from our house. They have a little three year old girl who is in Ems primary class at church. They have become best friends. They have to have a play date at least once a week and usually Em asks me if she gets to play with Juliana everyday. It is so cute. Juliana's dad is in the same program as Brett at school so they can talk science and Juliana's mom and I get along really well too, so it works out for everyone.I'm so happy that Emmeline can have a little best friend.

Emmeline and Juliana on their first playdate, frosting and eating sugar cookies

Em and Juliana at the chattanooga aquarium amidst the plastic penguins.

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