Saturday, March 20, 2010

Legend of the Seeker

This month I have gotten into the t.v. show Legend of the Seeker. I blog about it because it has taken up a fairly significant amount of my time and I love it. In a nutshell, the show is about a hero named Richard Cypher who, with the help of his friends--Zeddicus Zu'l Zurander (a Wizard) and Kahlan Amnell (a Confessor), must save the world from the evil Tyrant Darken Rahl and later the almighty Keeper of the underworld. The show is filled with magic, beauty and forbidden love. If you like fantasy, its worth a try. You can stream the entire 1st season from Netflix on demand.

My aunt Sara recommended the show to me. After I had checked it out I wanted to call my brothers and sisters and tell them about it since I thought they would also really like it. I called my brother Adam and it turns out that he and Andy were already watching it. They have even read the books that the show is loosely based on, the Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind. (I have yet to read them, but after watching this show. . I might just have to check them out). Anyway Adam spent an hour on the phone telling me differences between the show and the book (I actually like spoilers). It was really fun to talk to him about it. Just goes to show that even though I have lived far away from my siblings for so many years, we still all like the same stuff. Family is the best!!!

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