Saturday, January 31, 2009

YMCA--More Then Just a Funny Song

This month we joined the Birmingham YMCA. It is awesome!! They have a nursery where Emmeline and Mabel can play while I work out and read. That was one of the big selling points. . .so I could get more reading time for my classes. The problem is that the group workouts are so much fun. . .I'm not reading as much as I need to. So far my favorite classes are BodyJam, BodyCombat (Kickboxing), and BodyPump (weights to music). I've also enjoyed some step and yoga type classes. The girls enjoy playing in the nursery with all of the neat toys and always seem excited to be there. We have also enjoyed using the pool as a family. That was the other selling point. . .the pool access. So far we have only used the indoor pool, but in the summer there is a little outdoor pool that looks really neat. Mabel and Emmeline love splashing around in the pool and jumping off the side into mom or dads arms. The YMCA has a financial aid program which made the cost doable for us. So far we have loved every minute of it and are very excited to be part of the YMCA family!! :)

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Oh! I LOVE the BodyPump classes! I used to go all the time but we haven't kept up our membership. You are tempting me....with exercise. How dare you!