Monday, December 8, 2008

Birthday Party: Part 1--Sick

Several months ago Em told me that she wanted a castle cake for her birthday. So, we created a princess party around that theme. We had invitations sent out to the children who would be in her sunbeam class next year plus the kids in our babysitting group. I found cute pink pencil boxes for 25 cents which Em and I turned into cute little princess boxes complete with foam crowns, foam wands, a brush, and plenty of rings, bracelets and necklaces. The idea was that during the party, each little princess could decorate her own things with stickers and gems. We also decorated the living room.

By Friday night we had twinkle lights, pink paper, purple ribbons, satin cloth, a sparkly white table cloth, hanging flower garlands and 14 purple, pink and white balloons. I had the cake all made and we were ready for the party to take place the next morning.
Then about midnight, Emmeline woke up crying. We ran upstairs and found that she had thrown up all over her bed and herself. Brett changed the bed while I put Em straight into the shower. After everything was cleaned up and Em was tucked back into her bed, we crossed our fingers and hoped that perhaps she just ate too many hotdogs for lunch that afternoon. No luck. An hour or so later. . .she threw up again. This time it wasn't bad enough that she had to have a shower, but she did have to have new pj's and a new pillow case. The rest of the night passed without incident and we were still planning to move ahead with the party in the morning. Emmeline got up and asked for breakfast, which I thought was a good sign. She ate while I was working on some last minute details. Then at about 9:30, out came all of breakfast. (that'll teach me!!) Once again, Brett cleaned up the couch while I cleaned up the sicko. Throughout this whole process Em kept claiming that she wasn't sick and that she didn't "spit-up." She had a party to attend after all. This last time however, I asked Em how she felt and if she wanted to move her party for a later time. She sadly nodded her head and said yes. So I hurried to call everyone and tell them not to come to the party which was scheduled to start at 11:00.
Emmeline spent the entire morning of her third birthday watching movies and sipping sprite. Two of her friends did drop presents off at our house and gave Em a happy birthday wish. I think she really liked that and it make her feel better about the situation. She had a lengthy nap in the afternoon from which she woke feeling much better. She got to open some presents from mom & dad. She got a pretend doctor kit, which she loves (and took with her to her yearly checkup the following monday. Dr. Bolus let Emmeline "check out" Mabel with her. After Dr. Bolus did everything-she let Emmeline have a turn. It was very cute. And Mabel didn't seem to mind :) ). She also got a princess sleeping bag, night light, flashlight, and pillow.
All which fit into a cute pink bag. (This whole thing cost 10 bucks at wal mart after thanksgiving. Thank you good sales.)
I think overall, Emmeline had an alright birthday and she got to enjoy the anticipation of her party for a few more days.


Wayne said...

Poor thing. It's so unfair to be sick on your birthday. She handled it like a big girl though...hard to believe it's already been three years.

Kaija said...

So sad she was sick on her birthday! She must have really been sick to want to reschedule it! Hope she is feeling better! I cannot believe it ahs been three years and I haven't met either one of your daughters!...this will HAVE to change! Love ya Lar!

Kaija said...
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