Saturday, December 1, 2007

Singing the Strep Throat Blues

Well, not so much singing since the pain in my throat wouldn't permit singing. . .but definitely I was feeling those blues this past week. I had a nasty case of strep throat which started Tuesday night. After two horrible days, I decided I did not have a regular old cold that would blow over with orange juice and rest. I figured it was probably strep and got a doc appointment set up for friday morning. Both the nurse and the doctor gasped when they looked into my throat. The doctor informed me how nasty my throat looked (if the look was similar to how it felt. . .I didn't need her comments to know.) But she put me on antibiotics and they went to work fast. (just a side note, she offered me a penicillin shot--but I resisted and got the pills instead :) ) I've been feeling much better ever since I got home. Looks like my blue days are turning sunny again. Yeah.

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